Sunday 13 April 2014

March Results

Well what can you say, we had a mixture of drought and little sun followed by lots of drizzle and wind.
All in all not a very good summer with 1848 kwHr's during the last six months compared with the same period last year when 1982 kwHr's were generated, nearly 8% less.

Needless to say the core temperature has plateaued at 29 degrees as we head into autumn and winter. The total heat mass however should be significantly improved on last year.

The DSHH system has now been turned back onto normal from the summer mode and heat from the core will now supplement daily heat gain in keeping the house at our 21 degree temperature.

As you can see the month was very patchy with no consistent period of sun. The best day was the 1st March with 14.47kwHr's being generated but there were 8 days with less than 5kwHr's. Overall a poor month.
 The trend for the year is similar with previous ones as we head into autumn and winter, however the house is now in a much better steady state with the new front door adding an extra element of thermal seal to the house. It will be interesting to see how the core stands up this year compared with the first two years.
More on this in the coming months.