This last month has seen 144.57KwHr's produced slightly higher than June with 105.62KwHr's and with a peak on the 30th of 8.79KwHr's
Here is July's power run for the month.

We are now more than half way through the year and the total power generated each month compared with last year is displayed below. We have now generated 1.6MwHr's this year and over 4.2MwHr's since turn on.
During the month we have also had installed an extra solar panel specifically to run the DSHH water pumps in a power outage. The 250w panel is enough to run the two small pumps that move the hot water around. This now means that in a power outage we have full cover as long as the sun is out, but recognising that this is when the water also gets heated.
During the recent major power outage which was also during a very cold southerly the house was off the grid for over 24 hours/ There was no sun during the outage and thus the house slowly cooled from 22 degrees to 18 degrees so never got cold. A good test for the thermal seal of the house. As a result of the drop in temperature we are replacing our front door as most of the heat loss was due to poor sealing of the standard door against the uPVC surround. We are now installing a uPVC door which will provide a full thermal seal (should have done this originally!!).
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