This build started on the 18th July with the levelling off of the site, but the planning started much earlier with many decisions made to ensure that the home would maximise sustainable features while staying within 15% of the standard build for a home of this size.
The house is 248 square metres, on a site of 951 sqm, with the house all on one level and is being built and was designed by Hayward Homes Ltd.
The build is expected to take 21 weeks from the 18th July but may be effected by weather conditions.
The home includes the following features which will be explained in more detail as construction or installation of these items occur in the build programme. Links for further information will be provided where available.
- Full digital solar heating home system, with below ground heat bank system, hot water heating and in floor heating system. This is a Digital Self Heating Home system (DSHH) provided by Energy Efficient Homes Ltd.
- Powersmart 2.07kW photovoltaic system connected to the grid (probably via Meridian).
- PVC windows and door frames with double glazing and with a wooden front door.
- All lighting being LED throughout
- Polished concrete floors in kitchen, laundry and bathrooms,
- In ground Watersmart 4700 litre tank connected to toilets and outdoor taps.
- Watersmart lille system from bathrooms for in ground watering system.
- Longrun steel roof, spoutings and downpipes.
- Maximum insulation throughout
- Induction heating hobs and low energy appliances.