Monday, 26 September 2011

Framing Day 4

One of the sustainable features of the build is the extra wide footings on the outside of the home to allow for increased insulation and hence a better thermal seal in the building. The footings are 6 x 2 inches (140 x 45mm - sorry about the old style) compared with the standard 4 x 2.

Beautiful evening for photo's. Here you can see the height that will be in the kitchen, family room and dining room for the chapel ceilings which are a feature of the front of the house facing the all day sun.

The view from the Hollyford Place side showing the extra height achieved in the entrance way and with the chapel ceilings from the north side.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Framing day 2

Day two (Friday) and the rest of the framing starts to go up giving us a feel for the shape

Jamie at the top of the roof in the entrance way

looking down the entrance way from the front and the garage

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Framing Day one

Day one as the framing goes up - taken about 11.30am

Back wall goes up. Note the protection over the areas of polished floor

Looking from the east into the family room and along the dining room

Main bedroom partially up

End of the first day and most of the framing up. Looking at the entrance way. Another day tomorrow

the back wall now complete with the two bedrooms and bathroom/toilet in the middle

Main bedroom and wall into the family room completed.

Lots of Action

Now that the concrete has cured there has been a lot of action in today, Wednesday 21 September.

First the areas that are going to be polished concrete have had their first cut and will now sit waiting for the final polishing once the walls are up. Here we have Jake Currie from BM Scott Ltd on the cutting tool using the Husqvarna Construction approach or HiPERFLOOR

On the same day the precut wall and roof sections arrive just as the contractor is completing the burying of the 4500L rain harvesting tank.

The balance of the walls are stacked across the road ready for installation tomorrow. The construction is expected to be all up in one day. Margaret pleased to see the walls and ceilings all on site.
We are still on track to complete the build by early December.

The 4500 L tank is buried in the ground with the top cover all that can be seen above the ground. The cover is in the front garden and will be surrounded by plants while the rest of the tank which goes out toward the retaining wall will be lawn. See the page tab for information on the rain water harvesting and water lillie systems being installed.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

This weeks programme

After 10 days of curing the concrete, work will recommence on site later this week with the polishing of the concrete in the wet areas, the installation of the rain water collection system, the start of the drains and plumbing and commencement of the wall installation.

Watch this space.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Floor Slab Poured

The concrete slab was poured on Wednesday and is part of one of the sustainability features with polished concrete floors in the kitchen, bathrooms, laundry and entrance hall.


The concrete pump already to go at 7am with the first concrete truck arriving at 7.30. The concrete is from Higgins Concrete Ltd and the site work carried out by PC's Concrete Pumping and Placing.

Pour completed early afternoon and being skimmed Note the areas with colour in them which will be cut and polished after a few days and then protected during the build.

This shot shows the areas to be cut and polished. 

The colour for the concrete is Peter Fell 438 

and the floor has the standard pebble mix with additional Rangitikei stones added. 
The floor eventually will be cut in a 2 metre pattern and sealed.
Peter Fell's website is
